Barbara Brawerman, PsyD, LMFT

Dr. Brawerman is a Los Angeles-based psychotherapist and consultant specializing in relationship issues, mood disorders, complex trauma, and addictions.  She interweaves EMDR, somatic, psychoanalytic, and attachment-focused therapies to personalize individual treatment.



Individual Psychotherapy

Specializing in Mood Disorders, Addiction and Dual Diagnosis, Traumatic Stress, Disordered Eating & Body Image Issues, Attachment Issues, Personality Disorders, and Dissociative Disorders. 

Trauma Recovery Therapy

Complex Trauma                                                                    Addiction Trauma
Relationship & Attachment Trauma                              PTSD & Dissociation                             

Built on a foundation of compassion and clinical expertise, trauma recovery is a personalized, evidence-based, three-phase process.  Phase One creates emotional safety and physical stability.  Phase Two contains and processes traumatic stress symptoms.  Phase Three weaves regained strength, resilience, and clarity into all areas of life.  Evidence-based modalities include:
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing therapy)
MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) 
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy
Interpersonal Neurobiology

Comprehensive Adult Trauma Assessment and Evaluation

Designed specifically for clients with trauma, complicated histories of addiction, chronic relapse, self-harm, histories of unsuccessful treatment, and complex clinical presentations. 
The comprehensive trauma evaluation uses assessment tools created by Bessel van der Kolk and The Trauma Center in Boston.  It provides clinical case formulation, differential diagnosis, treatment planning and recommendations for continued primary and adjunctive interventions.

Professional Consultation

Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning
For clinicians and treatment centers. Specialty areas include dual diagnosis, trauma, complex trauma, and attachment and dissociative disorders.  

Program Design and Development
For Residential and Outpatient Treatment settings.  Support in integrating your unique brand and vision with current best practices in the assessment and treatment of trauma and dissociation.

Awake, my dear. Be kind to your sleeping heart. Take it out into the vast fields of Light, and let it breathe.
— Hafiz